We facilitate theatre and empowerment projects with women who are in search of community and healing.

We believe in the therapeutic potential of art. And that coming together as a collective to create can be an act of liberation.

Our co-created arts projects explore themes of sisterhood, empowerment and belonging.

Our focus is always on the process rather than the product; the clue is in our name… The Play is Not the Thing.

In addition to theatre, we organise women’s circles where we nurture intuition, personal power, and relationship to art.

We recognise we heal best in community, among people who have mutually suffered

Our Aims

  • to provide a warm and safe space for people to metabolise their experiences, so they can tap into their inner power and heal

  • to create conditions for people to freely self-express in a space that is grounded in one another’s fundamental equality

  • for women to feel celebrated and supported by our community, where they can enter into a new relationship with the artist within

  • “I walk with my head a little higher since meeting this group of women and our performance."

  • "I have loved every aspect of the project; it was so refreshing and different to anything I have ever done. I hope to be able to stay connected to all the beautiful Queens."

  • "Being on the project I felt a great sense of purpose, being able to express & be myself without being judged."

  • "After working on this project, my personal power has awakened."

  • "What Eliza and Louise created was a sister circle with strangers. It was an experience I will never forget!"

  • "This project has helped me reconnect with a part of myself I thought I lost. The chance to connect with so many beautiful souls reminded me that the world really is my oyster and there is a community I can fit into."